Friday, June 18, 2010

it's the little things...

Today has been so busy.  And I've been feeling not so great, which I think makes it feel more busy.  So far I have baked a batch of Root Beer Float cookies (yum) and Oatmeal Scotchies (double yum).  Brownies are in the oven to turn into Chocolate Mint Brownies later on, and I also have Magnolia cupcake materials waiting on the counter.  In the middle of this, I am leaving in about half an hour to run and take some quick pictures of one of my dearest friends and her hubby and son on the day of his 8th grade graduation. (Where did time go??)  And then, after coming home and finishing the baked goods, going over to do the coffee part of our young adult church's coffeehouse tonight.  (SO excited to be serving Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee!!)

So blah blah blah, I'm busy, I know you get it, we all are.  BUT... it's the little things, the little ways, in the midst of crazy busy days that I feel like God shows me that even though sometimes I forget about Him... He's always waiting for me.

In (vainly) trying to be prepared for tonight, I went to find a particular shirt to wear to the coffeehouse tonight, thinking I could steam it and have it ready to go.  Of course said shirt was nowhere to be found, and definitely not in the last place I saw it.  I was frustrated, and started resorting to the fact of having to wear something else, because if you saw my closet right now, you would know finding it was next to impossible.  I said a quick prayer to find it, knowing (in my stupid tiny and limited brainpower) that I wouldn't on my own.

Cut to the closet, looking for something else.  Move one clothes basket over, pick up one shirt to move it off a pile... THERE IS THE SHIRT.  What???

How is it that the God that coordinates everything in the entire universe, including people living and dying, hurting, celebrating, grieving, rejoicing, can take the time to help me find a stupid shirt??  Because He loves me oh-so-much.  And even the small things that matter to me, He cares about.  And if I take the time to turn to Him, I feel like He wants to come thru, if for no other reason than to reassure me on this crazy day that I'm not doing this in my own power... in my own power I will fail every task I take on.  (trust me, I am painfully aware of this)

So God, thanks for the little things... I love the way you love me.  And I want to love you all the more.

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