Friday, February 10, 2012

Changing Lives... One Show At A Time

On the way to school yesterday, Cole randomly says to me, "Mom, music has the power to change people's lives."

Wow that Christian school is instilling some great life lessons.

I told him how true that was, and then said how great it was that he learned that at school.

His response?

"No, mom, I didn't learn that at school.  I learned that from Phineas & Ferb."


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

i am not dead...

Nope, just crazy.  Like, I'm-still-not-entirely-unpacked-even-though-we've-been-home-over-a-week crazy.

But I hope to resolve that problem (which really exists mostly because my closet is a black hole in which things really can't feasibly be hung up easily) this weekend.  In between camping trips, Santa's Village visits and anniversary-celebrating.  Hmmm.

I think our problem is that we have a hard time turning down fun.A problem defined is a problem half-solved, right?

Ah, forget that.  Gotta finish work so I can get home to pack up my camping gear! ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

just for you tete....

Look familiar? :)

Sorry I've been horrible about posting pictures.  It's been a tad bit more busy than I anticipated.  

Love and miss everyone more than you can know.

Friday, July 2, 2010

thankfully NOT on the road again...

So glad to say that we are safe and sound here in Tennessee... what a long trip!  But I have to tell you that it was FUN.  Sure, there were moments that were long and a bit whiny and where it seemed like there were way too many miles in front of us.... but overall it was so much better than I had even hoped for.  The kids were so great.  Chill and content for the most part, and usually only fussy for very good reason.

God is so good to have blessed us with such safe and enjoyable travel.  I'm really looking forward to all that this time will bring and the ways we will grow individually and as a family.

This is my quick check-in for today... now off to enjoy the pool and this incredible view!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

i hate blogs that don't let you leave comments...


But put that aside... is this place not heaven?

(In case you're not sure, it is.)  And it looks JUST like this.  Maybe prettier in person.

And it is the exact site where my aforementioned smarty pants sister married one of the best guys I've ever met.  As we take off on our road trip, they'll take off for a celebration of their one year anniversary back down in Mexico where their official journey together began.  

They have been planning this trip pretty much since they got back from their honeymoon, and are going with a bunch of their friends to celebrate.  Though I would have loved to have gone, we knew that the timing just wasn't going to work for us.  (Even moreso now, since going to Mexico pregnant AGAIN holds so little appeal, it's amazing.)  HOWEVER... as I started thinking about it being their year anniversary, it truly has started to bum me out a bit that we won't be there to celebrate their special day.

So know that our hearts will be with you as you float lazily in the gorgeous pools and consume limitless amounts of champagne in celebration. ;)  We are so proud of you as you celebrate your first year of marriage together... it has definitely been a year of big changes and growing up for both of you, and you have handled everything with such grace and class.  Behave while you're there and for goodness' sake, leave the cigar case alone if it's closed.  I know there's no chance of you not having a blast... in the words of Lizette, "Ees not posseeble!"

how do you pack for a month?

I usually have a hard enough time packing for a week!  The whole concept of packing the entire family with enough "stuff" for a full month is a daunting task.  One that I keep thinking about... lots of thinking.... not a lot of actual doing.

I find with big tasks like this that my tendency is to start out with great intentions and then just have NO idea where to actually start.  So I put it off until pretty much the day before when I then send the whole family into a tizzy and everything turns to chaos.  FUN.  This time I honestly can't do that, because I will be working full days on Monday and Tuesday, and we have meetings both nights.  DOUBLE FUN.  So mostly packed we must be by Sunday night.

Which is about two days from right now.

Two days that are full of birthday parties and huge church events and World Cup games and last minute catching up with friends.  Hmm.

I'll let you know how it goes!

In the meantime I am starting by finding printable checklists for roadtrips. Because though I am a true Messie through and through, I do love me some checklists.  Usually I forget them, or better yet, lose them, but hey... printing them off feels soooo good.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

smarty pants...

This lovely lady passed her Series 7 yesterday.

I have ZERO idea what that test is about, but I know it's insanely hard and requires way more studying than I'd be willing to do.  Which is probably why I'll never make as much money as Ms. Smarty Pants.  

I am beyond proud of you, Caitlin, and I am so thankful you have this behind you.  I know God totally honored your hard work and diligence, and I love that you have given him so much credit.  You are destined for greatness beyond what you can even imagine!  I love you!